Hubert Fralish
109th Combat Infantry, 28th Division
[Excerpt from “Veteran Voices”]
“I was the top scorer at the rifle range during training so I was made
first scout. I wasn’t too sure about this since we would be
the first to shoot at the enemy. A combat infantry scout duties are
simple but dangerous. Basically, to spot the enemy and draw their fire.
Before the Battle of the Bulge, I did not think the war would be over
by Christmas. I really didn’t give it much thought –– I just thought
about pushing head until we reached Berlin. But, I knew we would win.
Weather conditions were very bad [Battle of the Bulge]. The worst was
the cold –– 20 degrees below zero. It didn’t make any difference what we
wore, we were still cold. I wore two sets of long underwear, 2 GI
uniforms, a wool sweater, an overcoat and a wool cap under my helmet.”
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