Wednesday, December 5, 2012

There's A Rooster In the Neighborhood

I've been hearing it for the past week. Cindy hasn't heard it and looks at me rather suspiciously, but, around 5:00 am every morning, I hear the distinctive crow of a rooster in the neighborhood (this photo isn't him).

The rooster is about two blocks but it's just loud enough that I hear it easily. I'm not exactly an early riser, but I must be just stirring around 5:00am and once I hear it, I'm conscious of it and can't back to sleep, waiting in stupid anticipation for the rooster's next crow. I might as well get up.

I wouldn't think much about this except for two reasons. I imagine that homeowners aren't supposed to be having chickens in our neck of the woods. City ordinances and all that sort of thing. I can only imagine what the neighbors think. Maybe they're being paid off with fresh eggs.

But, I've been writing and photographing so much about agricultural-related subjects over the past three years, that I've become fond of many farm animals, chickens among them. Some animals, I've had to be introduced to for the first time, like the alpacas this week and stone crabs last year (yes, I know stone crabs aren't really a farm animal, but indulge me here).

Growing up, my grandpa next door to us raised chickens. I enjoyed chasing after them and exploring the coop. I don't remember roosters, but he probably had them, too. So, while it might take getting used to this new addition to the neighborhood, I welcome Mr. Rooster. Sounds rather idyllic.

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